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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - dialectic


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прил. 1) диалектический 2) склонный к полемике
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  – natural dialectic ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. диалектика 2. умение вести полемику 3. диалектик 4. диалектический dialectic materialism —- диалектический материализм 5. склонный вступать в спор, склонный к полемике ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  n. & adj. Philos. --n. 1 a the art of investigating the truth of opinions; the testing of truth by discussion. b logical disputation. 2 a inquiry into metaphysical contradictions and their solutions, esp. in the thought of Kant and Hegel. b the existence or action of opposing social forces etc. --adj. 1 of or relating to logical disputation. 2 fond of or skilled in logical disputation. Etymology: ME f. OF dialectique or L dialectica f. Gk dialektike (tekhne) (art) of debate (as DIALECT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English dialetik, from Anglo-French dialetiqe, from Latin ~a, from Greek dialektike, from feminine of dialektikos of conversation, from dialektos  Date: 14th century  1. logic 1a(1)  2.  a. discussion and reasoning by dialogue as a method of intellectual investigation; specifically the Socratic techniques of exposing false beliefs and eliciting truth  b. the Platonic investigation of the eternal ideas  3. the logic of fallacy  4.  a. the Hegelian process of change in which a concept or its realization passes over into and is preserved and fulfilled by its opposite; also the critical investigation of this process  b.  (1) usually plural but singular or plural in construction development through the stages of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis in accordance with the laws of ~al materialism  (2) the investigation of this process  (3) the theoretical application of this process especially in the social sciences  5. usually plural but singular or plural in construction  a. any systematic reasoning, exposition, or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and usually seeks to resolve their conflict  b. an intellectual exchange of ideas  6. the ~al tension or opposition between two interacting forces or elements ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dialectics) 1. People refer to the dialectic or dialectics of a situation when they are referring to the way in which two very different forces or factors work together, and the way in which their differences are resolved. (TECHNICAL or FORMAL) ...the dialectics of class struggle and of socio-economic change. N-COUNT: with supp, oft the N of/between n 2. In philosophy, dialectics is a method of reasoning and reaching conclusions by considering theories and ideas together with ones that contradict them. (TECHNICAL) N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  also dialectics ~ n a method of examining and discussing ideas in order to find the truth, that follows rules developed by Socrates, Plato and Hegel - dialectical adj ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., from L. dialectica, from Gk. dialektike (techne) "(art of) philosophical discussion or discourse," fem. of dialektikos "of conversation, discourse," from dialektos "discourse, conversation" (see dialect). Originally synonymous with logic; in modern philosophy refined by Kant, then by Hegel, who made it mean "process of resolving or merging contradictions in character." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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